Can I Have A Slogan On My Number Plate?

Can I Have A Slogan On My Number Plate

The clear answer to the query is no – you are not allowed to put slogans on your number plate unless you meet the specific criteria. Meanwhile, all hope is not lost and you can put the slogan to your plates only when you meet some special requirements by DVLA.

Stay with this page because we are going to described everything regarding slogan display on plates regardless of plates type – you can display slogan on 3D number plate or even 4D.

Here’s everything!

Are Slogans Legal or Not?

According to the DVLA instructions the plates should be marked with the identifier of the manufacturer or supplier. While putting slogans along with this disturbs the clear display and visuality of plates. And if you don’t know, you might be charged fine up to £1000 and MOT test of your vehicle will be failed if your plates are not properly displayed.

That’s the explanation behind why DVLA made it illegal to show slogans. But they allowed slogans on lipped plates that can be only used by special persons. Let us first know you about what lipped plates are actually.

These plates have distinguished shapes from ordinary plates, most commonly 12 mm × 400 mm specially made for advertising and a best solution for putting slogans. They offer great advertising space and only be used if you are businessman, or a trader. You need to provide some documents, and fulfill the DVLA requirements if you are applying to these plates.

They are 100% road legal and are only solution to advertise your business. You can get as much as information regarding the plates use, manufacturing and everything else by connecting with an authorized plates manufacturer.

We observed not all providers are making such plates, and delivering to the customers but a few. In fact, not even all have authorized information regarding the plates. So, you should connect with a government registered plates manufacturer to get information about the plates and manufacturing.

Upon deep analysis regarding the legal plate manufacturers in the UK we found with one.

Meet with it below.

Bespoke Plates – Here’s Your Destination

It’s the manufacturer we’re talking about exhibiting all the ideal features and registered by government. You can discuss everything about the lipped plates with them, and even conditions for displaying slogans to your plates.

Surely, you will get the optimum advices without waiting because they have developed a team of experienced representatives always there to serve you with right guidance and response.

So, you can ask queries and discuss confusions 24/7.

We understand trusting any one at first without proper inspection isn’t possible, so we recommend you to go to the web and browse them. You will find positive reviews, ratings and testimonials regarding them – a proof of legitimacy.

Although, they are making all the types of plates but 4D, and 3D number plate manufacturing is their specialty. And yes, they have a flexible pricing structure making is easier to afford favorite plates.

So, are you ready to connect with them and have a better experience today?

Leave your kind opinions quickly inside the comment box below.

Sophie Brown

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