Stay Healthy During Pregnancy

Brigham and Women’s Hospital obstetrician Dr. Audra Meadows, who also holds a Master of Public Health degree, advises patients on how to be healthy before, during, and after pregnancy. If you want to improve your chances of having a healthy pregnancy and baby, follow these 12 suggestions from Dr. Meadows.

1. Eat Healthy

Pregnant women should priorities a balanced diet with plenty of nutritious options. In order for your unborn child to develop normally and healthily, you must provide him or her with appropriate nutrition. Before getting knowledge about pregnancy care, You must know about the Befruktningskalkulator. Eat a diet rich in different colored fruits and vegetables, whole grains, foods high in calcium, and foods low in saturated fat.

2. Prenatal vitamins should be taken regularly

A daily prenatal multivitamin is a great way to make sure you and your unborn child are getting all the essential nutrients you need throughout pregnancy. Folic acid, iron, and calcium are all examples of these.

3. Remember to drink plenty of water

Water intake during pregnancy is increased from pre-pregnancy levels. Your daily intake should average eight or more glasses.

4. Take part in all of your prenatal visits

Prenatal care is essential, and women should see a doctor often during their pregnancies. Without regular prenatal care, mothers significantly increase their baby’s risk of being born prematurely or with other health issues. Take advantage of prenatal care classes if they are offered

5. Stay away from those foods.

It’s recommended that pregnant women stay away from specific meals. To abstain from eating:

Meats served raw or at a very high temperature

Consumption of raw egg, raw fish, or liver might result in serious health complications (also in mayonnaise)

Cheeses that melt in your mouth (feta, brie)

Unpasteurized milk

Consuming raw or unpasteurized animal products is risky and can lead to food illness. Fish heavy in mercury can still be dangerous to a developing child, even when cooked.

6. Stay away from booze

It’s best to abstain from booze before getting pregnant, throughout pregnancy, and while nursing. Consuming alcoholic beverages during pregnancy raises the likelihood that the resulting child will be born with foetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD). Abnormal facial characteristics, significant learning difficulties, and behavioural disorders are all possible results of FASD.

Alcohol can damage a baby’s health in the early stages of pregnancy, before a woman may know she is pregnant. Therefore, ladies who may get pregnant also should not consume alcohol.

7. If you’re a smoker, please stop

Smoking during pregnancy is dangerous for both you and the developing baby. It raises the odds of having a baby born prematurely, having a miscarriage, or suffering from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)

8. Get up and going

Keeping active through exercise or other means on a daily basis is recommended for pregnant women. Determine a safe and healthy level of exercise by consulting your doctor.

9. Make sure you get vaccinated against the flu

A pregnant woman’s immune system is already compromised, and the flu can make her quite ill, increasing the chances of difficulties for the baby. In addition to protecting you and your unborn child from dangerous flu complications, a flu vaccination can also help keep you healthy during pregnancy. Make an appointment with your doctor to discuss receiving a flu vaccination.

10. Make sleep a priority

You and your child should get a good night’s rest, preferably between 7 and 9 hours. Sleeping on your left side might help your blood circulate better.

11. Get some rest

Reducing stress is critical for improving birth outcomes. Stressful circumstances should be avoided by pregnant women as much as possible. Involve those you care about in your effort to reduce stress.

12. Prepare for pregnancy by picking a good time to start trying.

A safe pregnancy and delivery are more likely if you plan your pregnancy for when you are at your physical and mental peak, says Dr. Meadows.

This suggests that women should not only check their health thoroughly before getting pregnant, but also think about their age. Premature delivery is more likely to occur in mothers who start having babies young (before the age of 16) or later in life (beyond the age of 40). Premature delivery is also more common in women who become pregnant again too quickly (within 18 months of having a kid).

Tracy White

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